Worldline / Bambora instructions

Bambora is part of the Worldline company - the instructions will refer to Worldline in this context

1. Worldline and Vektori application

Vektori Kassa is connected to Worldline payment terminals based on the IP address, which can be found in the payment terminal. This is specific to the payment terminal - below are instructions for checking the IP address for ingenico Move/5000 and Lane/3000 payment terminals.

Customer terminal password: payment terminals always have a terminal-specific password that the merchant can see from the Worldline reports -reporting service. So the merchant logs in there with the provided credentials and can view the password: -> Settings -> Payment terminals -> Passwords

NOTE! The Android cash register device (tablet/phone) and the payment terminal must be on the same network. The payment terminal must be connected to WiFi in order to see the IP address from the terminal.

1.1. How to add Worldline payment terminal to Vektori

Vektori -app, if you already have the ip-address
goto Actions->Settings->Payment terminal-tab,

1.2. Connecting the Worldline printer to Vektori app

From Actions->Settings->Printer-tab select Worldline from the drop-down menu, select the addition settings needed and Save.
If the payment terminal was connected successfully, the Ip-address was automatically added in this phase.

2. Move/5000

Password for the customer payment terminal: the payment terminal always has a password, that the merchant can view from  Worldline raports. In order to view this password the merchant logs into -> Settings(Asetukset) -> Payment terminals(Maksupäätteet ) -> Passwords(Salasanat)

2.1 Checking the IP-address

1. In Move/5000 device, press menu 

-button(image 1). 

2. Input the password (image 2)

image 1

image 2

3. After this in the following screens, type in sequence 4 - 4 - 4 (images 3-5) - in some software versions the series is 4 - 4 - 5. The important thing is to land at the end at "Viestintä" (communications)

image 3

image 4

image 5

4. When you have arrived at Viestintä-section of the settings (image 6), scroll the touch screen down where you can find section that mentions"IP address".
In the image below it is but it is different with each terminal. You can also print these settings.

You can exit by pressing the red button.

image 6

2.2. How to change static IP address

Menu -> Asetukset/Settings -> Kommunikaatio/Communications -> Telakka/Docker -> IP osoite/IP address

Give the following information:

Get these from your service provider. 

3. Check IP-address in Lane/3000

With Lane/3000 -payment terminal you start by pressing the MENU -button and inputting the password.

Password for the customer payment terminal: the payment terminal always has a password, that the merchant can view from  Worldline raports. In order to view this password the merchant logs into -> Settings(Asetukset) -> Payment terminals(Maksupäätteet ) -> Passwords(Salasanat)

Next input the following numbers in sequence 3 - 2 - 1 -2 and at the end the you land on a page with the Ip-address (as seen on the final image).