Vektori User Guide

Get to know your Vektori cloud service and application in-depth

1. Accounting Accounts

The service has predefined default accounting accounts for general purposes.

It is possible to add new accounting accounts, manage accounts that already exist or delete unnecessary accounts. You need to agree  with your accountant/accountants about the use of the accounts and about naming them, so the information will log correctly to the Reports -> Accounting entries by date -report.

Accounts definition and adding for the product groups or products is not mandatory for Vektori sales and technical operation of the system, but unless they are set up as agreed with your accountant, the system cannot generate accounting reports as desired.

In addition to the default accounts, the service allows you to define sales accounts (Sales and Sales 0 % VAT) for tracking sales for the product, product group and VAT.

Tip: The easiest way is to set up accounts for a product group, in which case all products in that product group use accounts according to the product group.

If sales accounts are defined in different places, their processing order is following:

1. Product [chapter 1.5.].

2. Product Group [chapter 1.6.].

3. VAT sales account [chapter 1.3.].

4. Default accounting account [chapter 1.4.].

1.1. Adding accounting account to the accountmap

From the left menu select Settings -> Company -> Accounts -> New account -button.

Insert accounting number, name and type. Accept information by clicking the Save -button.

Accounting accounts are used in Accounting entries -report: Reports -> Accounting -> Accounting entries by date.

1.2. Editing and deleting the Accounting Account

You can edit accounting account’s information by selecting the following from the left menu Settings -> Company -> Accounts -> Account -list accounting account that you want to edit or completely delete. NOTE! Accounting accounts that already have registrations cannot be deleted.

1.3. Setting up VAT sales account

The service has the default VAT in use and has default accounting accounts.

You can add, edit or delete existing accounting accounts from VAT by selecting the following from the left menu Settings -> Company -> Taxes -listing the desired VAT which accounting account’s information you want to edit.

in Edit -view you can change VAT account, Discount account, Credit loss account (only in billing use) and Default sales account.

If no desired accounting account is found from the drop-down menu, you can add it according to chapter 1.1. .

1.4. Setting up default Accounting account

If no accounting account has been defined for the product, product group or VAT, sales are used to track by the default accounting accounts set out in Settings -> Company -> Company Details -> Default accounting accounts -section.

You can change existing default sales accounts in the service by selecting the desired account from the drop-down menu. If no sales account is found from the drop-down menu. You can add it according to chapter 1.1. .

1.5. Adding accounting account for a product

You can add a product-specific sale- and sale VAT 0 -account for the product.

If no product-specific sales accounts have been set up, the Accounting entries by date -report is applied to the sales account according to the processing order described in chapter 1.

From the left menu select Settings -> Catalog -> General.

Add shown account types to sections Sale and Sale (VAT 0%). Accept selections by  clicking the Update -button.

Add a product by selecting Products -> New Product.

After adding the product, choose it and you can move on to Edit information about the product.

In the Settings -tab add Sales account and Sales account (VAT 0 %).

Accept information by selecting the Update -button.

1.6. Adding accounting account for a product group

You can add product group specific sales and sales VAT 0 accounts for a product group, when all products of the product group are using the same accountant account.

If product group specific sales accounts have not been set up, are the accounting entries searched for the accounting entries by date -report according to the order of precedence set out in chapter 1. .

Activate Sale- and Sale (VAT 0%) switches from the Settings -> Catalog -> General -> Available account types. Finally click the Update -button.

Add a product group by selecting Product Groups -> New Product Group from the left menu.

Insert Name for the product group. Then  Sale (VAT 0 %) and Sale from the Parent Group.

Accept the information by selecting the Save -button.

1.7. Adding accounting account for payment methods

In the service, it is possible to set up accounting accounts for different payment methods, which allows the export of accounting entries to the accounts by payment methods.

1.7.1. Setting up an accounting account for cash and card payments

The service has cash and card payment methods as default, which has already defined default accounting accounts.

You can change an accountant account to desired by selecting the following from the left menu Settings -> Company -> Company Details -> Default accounting accounts. There are sections Cash and Bank card receivable.

If there are no desired accountant accounts in the drop-down menu, you can add accounting accounts  according to chapter 1.1. .

1.7.2. Setting up accountant account for other payment methods

You can add desired payment methods for the Service and define their own accounting accounts.

Add a new payment method by selecting the following from the left menu Settings -> Kassa ->  Payment methods -section and click the New Payment Method -button.

Insert Name for the payment method for example Gift card, or as with the examples on the right and below,
"Monikäyttölahjakortti 150 e"("Multi-use gift card") and select Accountant account which is used for the payment method. In the example images below, the account chosen is 6969 Lahjakortit - also the other account names appear in Finnish.

If the desired accountant account is not found from the drop-down menu, you can add it according to chapter  1.1. . It is recommended to agree on this account to be used with the accountant, so that it appears correctly, for example, on the Settlement Report or the Transaction Report and is in accordance with the law (gift card legislation changes from time to time and may also vary from country to country).

Accept information by clicking the Save -button. After this the added payment method is ready to use(may require app restart).

In the Vektori Kassa application, select the products to be sold for a value of, for example, €150, select Payment -> Other -> Multi-use gift card €150.

Below is an excerpt of how the Reports -> Settlement Report shows the gift card in question in the section sales by payment methods and how to get it out, for example, with the Reports -> Accounting entries by date -report, by account,  in addition (on the right/below) an excerpt from the receipt and how it appears in it.

2. Logo for the receipt

You can add a logo for the receipts by going to Settings -> Kassa -> General, from there go to the Receipt section and next to the text Receipt Logo, press the Choose File -button. The maximum allowed image size is 360 x 240 pixels and 360 KB. The image must be in png or jpeg file format.

3. Manage customer display images

Control of customer display images is at Settings -> Cash Register(area) -> Marketing Display - this has compatibility only with Sunmi devices.

After adding the images to the page, do remember to press Save -button.
Also, if you change the timing, do remember to press either Enter or the check -mark, before pressing Save -button.

NOTE! After succesfully adding the display images, they become visible on the marketing display of Sunmi device only after restarting the Vektori app(if it was running before).

4. Selection of the order of products and product groups

You can edit the order of products and product groups from Settings -> Kassa -> General at the Products section.

5. Clerks and PIN-code

In the Service there is one Clerk by default, which uses default PIN-code 4262. You can add more clerks according to chapter 5.1. . Adding new clerks is not supported in Vektori Mini version.

5.1. Adding Clerks

Add a new clerk by selecting the following from the left menu Settings -> Kassa -> Clerks -> New Clerk.

Insert name for the clerk and four-digit PIN-code, which the clerk uses to log in to the Vektori Kassa application. Finally click the Save -button.

You can also receive reports from every cashier.

5.2. Changing PIN-code

You can change the PIN-code for the clerk by selecting the following  from the left menu Settings -> Clerks -> Edit function. You can insert a new PIN-code in the edit view.

6. Basic use of Vektori Kassa

6.1. Product Groups and Products

6.1.1. Adding Product Group

Items sold in Vektori Kassa application are managed via Vektori Cloud service.

From the left menu select Catalog -> Product Groups -> New Product Group.

Insert name of the Product Group. If the Product group is a subgroup, you need to select the main group for it from the drop down menu. Finally click the Save -button. Added product groups are automatically visible in the application - it might take a while and in some instances it might be necessary to restart the application.

6.1.2. Adding a Product

Insert following necessary information (marked with *) for the product (Products -> Add Product):

You can add a Product code for the product, or let the system create a product code automatically according to the given settings.  You can define the prefix and length of the product code in Settings-> Catalog-> General-> Product code generation. Finally click the Save -button.

Tip: You can add a product as 0 priced (free priced product) as well, please notice that the product still needs a correct tax rate. When the product is made by this method the cash register application asks the price individually when sold, you can use this for the products that you don’t want to add into the product register.

If you have connected a barcode reader/scanner to your computer, for example via USB, you can read the barcode and add it to EAN-code -field - more about the barcode reader in the instructions "Vektori Printer, Cash Drawer and Barcode Scanner Guide", chapter nine (9) "Connect a barcode scanner by USB on mPOP or via Bluetooth to Apple or Android".

6.1.3. Create product labels

Product labels can be created for products either through bulk actions, Products -> Bulk actions -> Create product labels , or individually.

If the product labels are made as a bulk action, the product labels are created one page at a time, and the generated pdf file contains all the products from that page.

If the paper size (A4) selection was Yes, all products would be printed as product labels on an A4 sheet.
Otherwise, the product labels are individual pages in that pdf file.

Once the product has been saved, it can be edited and you can make your own product label for it also through this, Products -> Choose the product -> Edit-> Product label -tab.

Through editing, on the Product labels tab, you can also add additional details and additional price information to the product label.

Attached is an example of a product label with the settings EAN-13, 36x77, S, 14.

Barcode types: EAN-13, EAN-8, EAN-5, EAN-2, CODE128, CODE39, ITF, ITF-14, MSI10, MSI11, MSI1010, MSI1110, Pharmacode, Codabar.

Label size: 36x77, 36x89, 40x54, 40x67, 40x105, 60x120.

6.2. Selling a product 

Start the application and insert your PIN code(default 4262). A list of all the products in the Vektori Kassa are shown in a list at the right side of the window.

You can add products you are going to sell by choosing them from the list. You can sort products by clicking Product group or using Product search.

If you wish to add more units of the same products, you can either click the product again at the product list or from the left menu click the desired sales row, when a Sales row editing -window pops up, you can now insert the desired amount of the product.

Finally click the OK -button.

6.3. Discounts

In Vektori Kassa sales you can give product row specific discounts. The discounts can be given as Sale rows % -discount, Sale rows € -discount or Product € -discount.

Add the discount to the desired product row by clicking the sales row. At the sales row edit -windows pick desired discount method.

Add the discount and finally click the OK -button.

The discount is shown as an additional sales row at the product listing.

The given discounts are shown in the Clerk-, Settlement- and Accounting entries by date -reports.

6.4. Deleting product from the unfinished cash transaction

Sometimes there might be a need to delete a product from the unfinished cash transaction before finishing it. For example because of incorrect addition of product.

You can delete a product row from the product listing by clicking the desired product row. The sales row edit -windows pops up. Here you can click the Delete row -button, when the product row is deleted from the cash transaction.

If you want to delete all the sales rows from the cash transaction, click the Cancel -button.

6.5. Paying with several payment methods

It’s possible to make a cash transaction with several payment methods, for example one part with cash and the rest with a card. The next example will guide how a cash transaction is completed in this kind of situation.

Start by adding the desired product normally to the cash transaction.

Click the Payment -button and after that you can see the Left to pay sum at the right top corner in this case 88,16.

First insert the amount of cash given by a customer to the Vektori Kassa by using the number buttons on the screen. For example 50 euros is inserted by clicking 5 0 0 0, after this click the Cash  -button.

After clicking the Cash -button, the payment row on the left shows Cash payment of 50,00. Deposit the cash to the cash drawer.

Because the cash payment didn’t cover the full payment sum, at the top right corner is shown that there are 38,16 more to pay at the left to pay -field.

Click the Card -button, when a window pops up where it is shown that the 38,16 euros are left to pay with a card.

In the Sales Preview view, check that all the information on the receipt is correct: the products and the amount of cash and card payments.

If you have an integrated payment terminal, select the Accept -button, and the card payment portion will be automatically transferred to the payment terminal. Now ask the customer to enter the card. When the payment is received from the payment terminal, the receipt will be printed automatically and the checkout application will wait for the next sale.

If you do not have an integrated payment terminal, enter the amount manually on the payment terminal and ask the customer to enter the card. When the payment is received from the payment terminal, click the Accept -button.

6.6. Deleting a payment method from a cash transaction

If the sale has not yet been approved and you'd like to change your selected payment method, click the Back -button in the Sales Preview view.

To delete a form of payment for a cash transaction, click the Payment method row on the left.

The Vektori Kassa application will ask for confirmation before deleting the payment line.

Click the Confirm -button to delete the sales payment line.

After deleting the payment row, you can choose a new payment method and close the cash transaction as described above.

7. Cash register sales refunds

Refunds to the cash register can be done by either using the Find receipt -> Refund with receipt action or with the Refund mode within the Vektori Kassa application.

To be considered:

7.1. Refund action with the receipt using Vektori Kassa application

Choose within the Vektori Kassa application Actions-> Find receipt -> Find using receipt number, or in case you want to refund the latest sale, select Use last.

Enter the receipt number and click the Refund with receipt -button, in which case the application gets the receipt and marks all the sales that are on it for refunding.

When the Refund mode is on inside the Vektori Kassa application, all the sales are shown as negative. 

Delete the lines of sales, that you do not wish to be refunded by clicking the sale. At the end, choose the Delete row.

When you have deleted all the sales that are not to be refunded, select Refund.

Choose the payment method, pick the way you want to refund the customer: Cash or Card. 

Inspect the refund receipt and select Accept. 

If you have an integrated card payment system at your disposal, you may use it to refund the customer directly to the card.

7.2. Using the Refund mode in the Vektori Kassa application

Activate the refund mode within the application by clicking on the Refund mode -button.

Select the products to be refunded, the same way as you would do in a sale situation. When you have done so, click on the Card Refund or Refund -button.

Choose the payment method, pick the way you want to refund the customer: Cash or Card. 

Inspect the refund receipt at Sales Preview screen and select Accept

If you have an integrated card payment system at your disposal, you may use it to refund the customer directly to the card.

7. 3. Negative sales

You can do negative sales by making a product with a negative price, for example foreclosure or collateral(pawn).

Start by adding the product(s) normally to the application. 

If you want to add more than one item at the time, you can either click the item in question multiple times, or you can click the sales row on the left and then choose the amount from the pop-up window, where you can put in the desired amount.

Choose the payment method, pick the way you want to refund the customer: Cash or Card. 

8. Adding text to receipt and sending the receipt by email

Before accepting the receipt you can add text to the receipt, for example the name of the company, so it can be added into the accounting of said company.

To add text, click the Add custom text -button at the Sales Preview -view. 

Press the Accept -button.

If you have not chosen otherwise in the settings, you will get a question on the next screen about either printing or sending the customer's receipt by email, or you can also choose not to print the receipt.

If you have chosen to print a merchant's receipt in the (printer) settings, you will be asked for it after this.

9. Actions

The Actions section of the Vektori Kassa application includes various functions, described in more detail next.

On the left is the Actions -view, for example, when Vektori Kassa is held horizontally on the tablet, and on the right when in a vertical position.

The actions can therefore be found (in a vertical position) behind the gear(/cogwheel) icon in the upper right corner.

9.1. Z Report, i.e. End of Day and X Report

Z Report, i.e. End of Day -action forms final report of the sales of the day and also resets the receipt numbering to zero. The final report of the day's sales can be emailed as well.

With the X Report -action, you can briefly view sales data that have been made since the last Z report, i.e. End of Day, the function can therefore be used to view total sales in real time - no actual report is made by this action.

9.2. Control sheet

Control sheet shows the events of the current day. The control sheets of the Vektori Kassa for current day can be viewed by selecting Actions -> Control sheet from the menu. 

9.3. Find receipt

Choose within the Vektori Kassa application Actions-> Find receipt from where you can search for receipt using the receipt number, or in case you want to look for the latest sale, select Use last. 

You can print, email or refund the sale using the Find receipt view.

9.4. Search customer -> Loyalty program and Pricelists (additional service)

You can create a separate price list for a loyalty program customer and show the prices accordingly in the Vektori Kassa application. This can be done in the cloud under the section Products -> Pricelists and after that, add or edit the client to include a specific price list from the Clients section - you can do this under Clients Information and Additional details -> Pricelists. If the clients information does not include the Pricelists section, you may add that from Settings -> Client Management -> Client settings and checking that Additional details section of it has checkmark on Pricelist.

The use of Pricelists and Loyalty programs is not included in Vektori Mini and it's cloud services. 

In case you want to use the loyalty program for the customer, go to Actions -> Search customer inside the Vektori Kassa application and search for a specific customer by name.

After customer selection the application shows both the information about being in the Loyalty program and the price list.

Removing the customer of the loyalty program from the applications view is done by going to Actions -> Search customer and clicking on the Remove selection -button.

9.5. Barcode

You can find more information on using the barcode scanner with Vektori cloud and Vektori app in instructions: Vektori Printer & Barcode Scanner Guide.

9.6. Open cash drawer

You can test the connection between the cash drawer and the Vektori Kassa application by trying to open it through Actions -> Open Cash Drawer.

9.7. Settings

Actions -> Settings -> General-tab includes changing of language and usability settings.

Actions -> Settings -> Printer -tab enables you to choose the printer.

Actions -> Settings -> Payment terminal -tab helps you enable the payment terminal to be used for.

Vektori Kassa Deployment Guide has more in depth information in regards to connecting the payment terminal and Vektori Kassa application.

9.8. Update products

The application keeps all the products and prices automatically up-to-date through regular updates from the cloud. However, if you have added or modified new products, you can immediately update the application through Actions -> Update products. 

9.9. Log

Actions -> Log -information enables you to check into day-to-day logs.

10. Reports (cloud services)

Menu section Reports -> Kassa has a list of different cashier sales reports. These reports can be previewed or downloaded as Excel-, PDF- or CSV-files.

NOTE! VAT calculations can seem to be different if it is only calculated directly from the totals of the reports.

 The VAT for the reports is calculated from the actual sales (i.e. the VAT of all receipts together).

 If VAT were directly calculated only from the total amount of the report in question, it would not show the real (summary of receipts) sum.

10.1. Clerk report

This report shows the sales of each clerk or clerks, from a select time period. It is possible to group the report by products or product groups. Discounts used are shown in the report.

10.2. Client sales report (additional service)

Report shows in detail the sales of a chosen client, from a select time period. There are several options for the report, including reporting on the discounts and product codes.

10.3. Hourly report

Report shows terminal sales grouped by hour, from a select time period. You can make a report of a single terminal or terminals and if you want, the report can show it grouped by separate terminals as well.

10.4. Product Sales report

Report about the products sold by the terminals, from a select time period, including all the terminals and clerks or by each terminal and clerk individually. The report can be modified to have more fields, like for example discounts and refunds, and it can also be grouped by product groups. The information to be reported can be either euro-, percentage- or piece based.

10.5. Settlement Report

The settlement report shows sales from a select time period of all the terminals or by each terminal on its own. The report shows total number of transactions, the gross and net sales, the average sales sum, roundings and discounts, and also sales by payment methods and product groups. 

10.6. Transaction Report

The transaction report shows the monetary transactions of terminals from a select time period, grouped by days. This report entails sales, roundings, refunds, gross, net, VAT and also sale amounts of each payment method.

10.7. Comparison Report

This report shows the terminal sales compared between terminals or clerks, from a select time period.

10.8. Accounting entries by date

Reports -> Accounting -section includes Accounting entries by date range report, which enables to get sales from a select time period to accounting.

It is possible to obtain additional optional formats for this report under the Pro license, which allows it to be used in other systems.

The example below shows a Fennoa CSV export, which, as the name suggests, produces a file that is compatible with Fennoa. In addition, creating a Netvisor CSV file is also available.

NOTE! notice that the Custom selection enables a pull-down menu, with the Fennoa CSV export option. Do not select CSV or any other option after selection, if you want a csv file in a format suitable for Fennoa.